个人简介/About Me
Wengen Li received the B.Eng. degree and Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Tongji University, Shanghai, China, in 2011 and 2017, respectively. In addition, he received a dual Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2018. He is currently an associate professor of the Department of Computer Science and Technology at Tongji University. He is a member of China Computer Federation (CCF), a member of IEEE, and a member of ACM.
研究方向/Research Interests
Multi-modal data retrieval and analytics, spatio-temporal data analytics for human mobility, urban dynamics and marine science.
- 融合多源稀疏时空数据的广域海面温度预测方法研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金,2023/01-2025/12
- 面向上海城市容貌的公众情感态度研究,上海市科技创新行动计划软科学研究项目(青年项目),2022/03-2023/02
- 面向情感分析的多模态数据融合技术研究,之江实验室开放课题,2021/12-2023/11
- 基于多模态数据的城市情感感知地图挖掘,上海市智能信息处理重点实验室开放基金,2021-2022
- 城市交通状态规律性的量化及其因果关系研究,上海市浦江人才计划项目,2020/11-2022/10
- 数据库系统原理: 2020~2024
- 数据库系统原理课程设计:2021~2024
- 数据科学导论: 2020~2024
- 毕业实训:2020-2024
- 机器学习算法与应用: 2021~2024
学术服务/Academic Services
- Conference PC: AAAI (2023-2025), PAKDD (2022-2025)
- Journal Reviewer: IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering、ACM Computing Surveys、IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems、IEEE Internet of Things Journal、ACM Trans. on Cyber-Physical Systems、IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking、软件学报、计算机科学.
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